08 - 10 / 12 / 2017 THEATRE &TD - SAVSKA 25
9 / 12 / 2017 PREMIERE
10 / 12 / 2017
20h - Dance_Inn x Ganz - Petra Hrascanec, SaSa Bozic & Simone Aughterlony (HR/CH/DE): Compass
VENUE: Velika dvorana THEATRE Itd
- - - - GO BACK! - - - -
- - - - NATRAG NA NASLOVNICU! - - - -
Nemojmo se više pretvarati da nas udaljavanje iznenađuje. Započnimo tu, prije no što nas bliskost zarobi čvorovima nesporazuma. Ploveći oprezno prema razumijevanju stranca, a razumijevanja nema, zurimo u kompas. Promatraj kako igla oklijeva i skreće sa smjera; magnetsko odstupanje u blizini željenog. Mokri smo od suza ili od oluja, val koji slijedi nudi još jednog mornara i misao o zabranjenom. Osušene kapi pokazuju koliko je vremena prošlo i kakav je vjetar rastjerao oluju. Ponesi dimljene ribe i brdo soli za konzerviranje. Gledat ću te dok jedeš, baš kao što sam prije gledala druge.
Autori: Simone Aughterlony, Petra Hrašćanec, Saša Božić // Izvođačice: Simone Aughterlony, Petra Hrašćanec // Glazba: Hahn Rowe// Kostimi i Scena: Ana Savić-Gecan // Svjetlo: Bruno Pocheron / Miljenko Bengez // Fotografija: Ivica Ivčević // produkcija za 21:21: Andrea Remetin / Ivan Mrđen // producent za Verein für Allgemeines Wohl: Sina Kießling // produkcija za Teatar &TD: Silvija Stipanov //
Koprodukcija: Simone Aughterlony /Verein für Allgemeines Wohl, Studentski centar u Zagrebu - Kultura promjene - Teatar &TD u sklopu apap-Performing Europe 2020, International Coproduction Fund of the Goethe-Institut
Let’s not anymore feign surprise by estrangement. Start here, before familiarity takes hold with knots of misrecognition. Circumnavigating the cautious understanding of the stranger, since there is no understanding, we look to the compass. Watch the needle waver and drift off course; magnetic deviation in nearness to the desirable. Wet with tears or soaked by storms, another wave brings another sailor and thoughts of amorality. Drying out will mark the passage of time or might bring winds to weather the storm. Bring smoked fish and loads of salt for preservation. I’ll watch you eat as I have watched others before.
Created by: Simone Aughterlony, Petra Hrašćanec, Saša Božić // Performed by: Simone Aughterlony, Petra Hrašćanec // Music: Hahn Rowe // Set and Costume design : Ana Savić-Gecan// Light design: Bruno Pocheron / Miljenko Bengez // photography: Ivica Ivčević // production for 21:21: Andrea Remetin / Ivan Mrđen // production for Verein für Allgemeines Wohl: Sina Kießling // production for &TD: Silvija Stipanov //
Produced by: 21:21
Co-produced by: Simone Aughterlony /Verein für Allgemeines Wohl, Studentski centar u Zagrebu - Kultura promjene - Teatar &TD via apap-Performing Europe 2020, International Coproduction Fund of the Goethe-Institut
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