08 - 10 / 12 / 2017 THEATRE &TD - SAVSKA 25
8 / 12 / 2017
20h Mette Edvardsen (BE): No Title
VENUE: Galerija SC
- - - - GO BACK! - - - -
- - - - NATRAG NA NASLOVNICU! - - - -
With the piece No Title I start out where my last piece ended. In Black I made invisible objects appear by naming them and placing them in space. Having been obsessed with what is here, I now look into what is not as a way of activating and producing thoughts and imaginations. In this new piece I address existence through negation. Once you leave behind that which is not, the perspective opens to all there is instead. The work continues the play with the possibilities and limits of language, and that of being, in space and in time.
No Title is about how reality exists in language and how this extends into real space. It is about how memory and imagination blur. It is about things and how things can be there and gone at the same time, and that what defines this is various. It is about things that are gone and about things that remain. No Title is about the awareness that all things are impermanent and that nothing lasts forever. It is about things that have gone before their time and things that never quite disappear. It is about what the piece and its making is, what a piece can do, what it is for, what its power and limit could be. It is about the gap between a world and our ideas of it, the invincible gap between thought and experience, between here and there. No Title is a writing in space, a writing that is both additive and subtractive. It is a writing that traces and erases, that moves and halts, that looks at things that are not there and recovers that which is instead.
created and performed by: Mette Edvardsen
production: Mette Edvardsen/ Athome and Manyone vzw
co-production: Kaaitheater/ Brussels, BUDA/ NEXT Festival/ Kortrijk, Teaterhuset Avant Garden/ Trondheim, BIT/ Bergen, Black Box Teater/ Oslo
supported by: Vlaamse Gemeenschap, Norsk Kulturråd
special thanks to: Heiko Gölzer, Mari Matre Larsen
photo by: Lilia Mestre
graphic design by: Michaël Bussaer
S predstavom No Title započela sam tamo gdje je moja posljednja predstava završila. U predstavi Black nevidljive objekte učinila sam vidljivima imenujući ih i stavljajući ih u prostor. Bila sam opsjednuta s onim što je ovdje, a sada gledam u ono što nije kako bi aktivirala i proizvela misli i imaginacije. U ovom novome djelu upućujem postojanje preko negacije. Jednom kada ostaviš iza sebe ono što nije, otvori se perespektiva prema svemu što je tu. Ovaj rad nastavlja predstavu s jezičnim mogućnostima i ograničenjima, i onima samog postojanja, u vremenu i prostoru.
No Title govori o tome na koji način stvarnost postoji u jeziku i kako se širi u stvarnom prostoru, govori o rasplinutosti sjećanja i imaginacije, o tome kako stvari mogu biti i nestati istovremeno na jednome mjestu. I ono što to definira je različito. Govori o stvarima koje su nestale i koje su ostale. No Title govori o svjesnosti da stvari nisu vječne, o stvarima koje su otišle prije svoga vremena i stvarima koje nikad u potpunosti nisu nestale. Govori što znači “piece” i njegovo stvaranje, što „piece“ može napraviti, čemu služi, koja bi bila njegova snaga i njegovo ograničenje. Govori o razmaku između svijeta i naših ideja o njemu, o nepobjedivom razmaku između misli i iskustva, između ovdje i tamo. No Title je pisanje u prostoru, pisanje koje je ujedno i dodavajuće i odbijajuće. To je pisanje koje ostavlja tragove i briše, koje se pokreće i zastaje, koje gleda na stvari koje nisu tamo i oporavlja ono što je.
Autor: Mette Edvardsen
produkcija: Mette Edvardsen/ Athome and Manyone vzw
ko-produkcija: Kaaitheater/ Brussels, BUDA/ NEXT Festival/ Kortrijk, Teaterhuset Avant Garden/ Trondheim, BIT/ Bergen, Black Box Teater/ Oslo
podrška: Vlaamse Gemeenschap, Norsk Kulturråd
posebno hvala: Heiko Gölzer, Mari Matre Larsen
fotografija: Lilia Mestre
dizajn: Michaël Bussaer