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Autorski projekt Jelene Miholjević, Ivane Bodrožić, Marka Lucijana Hrašćaneca i Saše Božića


Četvero umjetnika - glazbenik, spisateljica, glumica i redatelj (od kojih su na sceni troje), temeljem ljudske bliskosti našli su se u projektu u kojem publici govore, glume, prikazuju bajke; narodnu bajku koja pleše tango s našom podsvijesti, antibajku u vidu suvremene priče o čistačici koja ostaje bez posla jer nije po volji upravi autorice Ivane Bodrožić, monologa stvarnih ljudi iz zagrebačkog tramvaja koji govore sami sa sobom od stanice do stanice, meditacije kojom kližemo i sanjkamo se po mliječnoj stazi… Radiofonijski karakter ove predstave dopušta nam da je ”gledamo ušima” čitavo vrijeme i pritom vidimo dublje. Riječ je o križanju storytellinga i radijskog te performerskog žanra. Pokušavamo bivanjem na sceni u kontaktu s publikom osvijetliti neke od paradoksa našeg unutarnjeg, ali i svakodnevnog života. Pričamo bajke po kućama, po sceni, po klubovima, pričamo da ispričamo i da se pitamo.


Collaborative art project by Jelena Miholjević, Ivana Bodrožić, Marko Lucijan Hrašćanec and Saša Božić


Four artists, i.e. a musician, a writer, an actress and a theatre director three of them on the stage), starting from human closeness gathered around the project in which they tell, act and stage fairy tales for the audience: a folk tale dancing tango with our subconsciousness, an anti-fairy tale by Ivana Bodrožić in the form of a contemporary short story about a cleaning lady who lost her job because the management does not like her, monologues spoken by real people from a Zagreb tram who talk to themselves from one station to another, a meditation in which we skate and snowboard along the Milky Way… Radio-phonic character of this performance provides us with an opportunity to “look with our ears” the whole time and see beyond by doing so. This project is a crossover of storytelling, radio and performance art. By being present on the stage in contact with the audience, we are trying to shed light on certain paradoxes of our inner and everyday lives. We are telling fairy tales in people’s homes, on the stage, in clubs; we are telling them for the sake of telling and wondering. 

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