kazališna grupa de facto:
Tekst i režija: Dino Pešut
Video rad: Karla Jurić
Izvode: House Of Flamingo + Mate Jonjić
Produkcija: kazališna grupa de facto
Pupoljak, drama Dina Pešuta, je meditacija o mogućnosti autobiografije u kazalištu. U drami se ispituje kič muškosti i transgeneracijsko naslijeđe muške patnje. Ono je obračun autora s ocem i dvojicom mrtvih djedova negdje između ratova i diska. Predstava je prostor između živih i mrtvih, performansa i spektakla, autobiografije i fikcije.
Pupoljak je drama o D.P. relativno uspješnom piscu koji boravi u hotelu Grand u Sarajevu. Tamo se u rasponu od nekoliko dana razračunava sa svojim muškim precima propitujući što je to uopće rod, naslijeđe i sudbina. Pritom se pokušava, kao i pokojni preci, dobro zabaviti.
Predstava je kolektivni rad umjetnika iz različitih disciplina: Dino Pešut, Karla Jurić, Mate Jonjić te kraljica iz House of Flamingo.
Separacija nikada nije bila spektakularnija.
de facto Theatre Company:
Written and staged by: Dino Pešut
Video: Karla Jurić
Performed by: House Of Flamingo + Mate Jonjić
Produced by: de facto Theatre Company
The Bud, a play written by Dino Pešut, is a meditation about the possibility of autobiography in theatre. The play examines kitsch of manhood and transgenerational heritage of male suffering. It is also the playwright’s confrontation with his father and two late grandfathers somewhere in-between wars and the disco. The performance is the space between the dead and the living, between a performance and a spectacle, autobiography and fiction.
The Bud is a play about D.P., a relatively successful writer who is staying at Grand Hotel in Sarajevo. Within in a few days, he settles accounts with his male ancestors by questioning what is gender, heritage or destiny. While doing so, he attempts, as well as his ancestors, to have fun.
This production is a result of collaborative work of artists in different disciplines: Dino Pešut, Karla Jurić, Mate Jonjić and the queen from the House of Flamingo.
Separation has never been more spectacular.