Aleksandra Janeva Imfeld and Pravdan Devlahović:
From then to now (CRO)
“From then to now” is a collaborative work by Aleksandra and Pravdan who will show their shared moments on and off the stage in the last 25 years. This is the space for their intetwined nostalgia in movement.
Co-Authors, performers, scenography, costume design, nostalgiography: Aleksandra Janeva Imfeld and Pravdan Devlahović
Aleksandra Janeva Imfeld was born in Macedonia in 1975.
Aleksandra Janeva Imfeld graduated from Ana Maletić Rhythm and Dance school in Zagreb. She studied dance in Bruges and Lier in Belgium, in 1998 in Vienna on a “danceweb” grant and in the Jennifer Muller dance company in New York.
In 2012 finished the graduate “a.pass“,Advanced Performance and Scenography Studies in Brussels.
Aleksandra Janeva Imfeld is one of the initiators of the Nomad Dance Academy and cofounder of the Nomad Dance Academy Croatia which strives to decentralize dance and advocate new collaboration models in the contemporary dance domain.
Pravdan Devlahović was born in Zagreb in 1972. From 1996 to 2001 practices and later collaborates with Kilina Cremona (a Cunningham technique teacher). At the same time he is participating in numerous seminars and workshops by local and foreign dancers and choreographers.
A member of “Studio Mare” from Zagreb, 1991-1996, Zagrebački plesni ansambl (Zagreb dance ensemble), 1997-2000, BADco from 2000 to 2010 of which he is also one of the co-founders. He has been collaborating with the choreographer Irma Omerzo for a number of years. From 2006 he works as a “Movement for Actors” class teacher at the Zagreb Academy of Dramatic arts.
He won the Croatian theater award for his performance in the show Stanje br.2 (Condition no. 2) in 2008 and the award from the Croatian dance association for his exceptional contribution to dance in 2010.
Aleksandra Janeva Imfeld i Pravdan Devlahović:
oD taDa Do saDa (HR)
Ko-Autori, izvođačii, scenografi, kostimografi, nostalgografi:
Aleksandra Janeva Imfeld i Pravdan Devlahović
Od tada do sada je zajednički autorski rad Aleksandre i Pravdana koji stavlja na pozornicu momente kojih se prisjećaju iz zajedničkog rada na sceni,u dvorani i oko nje unazad 25 godina. Ovo je prostor za njihovu zajedničku nostalgiju u pokretu.
Aleksandra Janeva Imfeld rođena je u Makedoniji 1975. godine.
Aleksandra Janeva Imfeld završila je Školu za ritmiku i ples Ane Maletić u Zagrebu.
Studirala je ples u Brugesu i Lieru u Belgiji te bila u Beču kao „danceweb“ stipendist 1998. godine i u New Yorku u trupi Jennifer Muller. 2012. godine završila je postdiplomski program „a.pass“ – Advanced Performance and Scenography Study, Bruxelles.“
Aleksandra Janeva Imfeld je jedna od inicijatora Nomad Dance Academy i suosnivačica Nomadske Plesne Akademije Hrvatska koja se bavi decentralizacijom plesa i zalaže za nove modele suradnje u polju suvremenog plesa.
Pravdan Devlahović rođen je u Zagrebu 1972. godine. 1996-2001. redovito trenira kod, a kasnije i surađuje sa Kilinom Cremonom (pedagoginjom Cunningham tehnike). Paralelno s time sudjeluje na brojnim seminarima i radionicama domaćih i stranih plesača i koreografa.
Bio je član Studia Mare iz Zagreba, 1991-1996.; Zagrebačkog plesnog ansambla, 1997-2000. te BADco., 2000-2010., čiji je i suosnivač. Dugogodišnji je suradnik koreografkinje Irme Omerzo.
Od 2006. radi kao nastavnik Scenskog pokreta na Akademiji dramske umjetnosti u Zagrebu.
Dobitnik je Nagrade hrvatskog glumišta za izvedbu u predstavi Stanje br.2 (2008.) i Nagrade Udruge plesnih umjetnika Hrvatske za doprinos plesnoj umjetnosti (2010.)
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