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Isabelle Schad:



Concept and Choreography: Isabelle Schad

Co-Choreography and Performance: Przemek Kaminski, Nir Vidan

Dramaturgical advice: Sasa Bozic

Sound design: Damir Simunovic

Light design: Bruno Pocheron

Costumes: Charlotte Pistorius

Image: Thomas Henriksson


Production Management: Heiko Schramm

Production for de facto: Andrea Remetin

Production: Isabelle Schad

Co-production: HAU Hebbel am Ufer, de facto Zagreb

Photos: Isabelle Schad


Funded by City of Zagreb, Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia, the Governing Mayor of Berlin – Senate Chancellery – Cultural Affairs and the NATIONALES PERFORMANCE NETZ (NPN): Coproduction Fund for Dance, which is funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media on the basis of a decision by the German Bundestag

Supported by Wiesen55 e.V.

Thanks to Volker Hüdepohl, Maia Svartaker, Uferstudios Berlin


With Double Portrait Isabelle Schad continues a series of works which attempt to create distinct and personal portraits through a purely physical approach, molding respective rhythms and energies into choreographed experiences.

Double Portrait– the portrait for Przemyslaw Kaminski and Nir Vidan – seeks to form a solo for two persons with their bodies, movements, and subjective rhythms. Each of them finds his prolongation in the other. In changing interdependencies, a shared space defines self and other, intimacy and care, colliding forces and violence, creating a web of connectivities. The work plays with aspects of Frances Bacon’s paintings, their complexity in visual rhythm, their intensity and immediacy. It raises matters around violence and sensuality, the role of temporality, the relation to oneself that expands into the other and into the world.


“The images are always somehow in-between, hybrids, and can never be clearly defined. As soon as an image starts to say something that each member of the audience can recognize, I want to change it or get rid of the image.” (Isabelle Schad, excerpt from an interview with Wolfgang Horn, Theater: Ein Fest! Tanzplattform 2016, 3sat)


Isabelle Schad

German choreographer and performer living in Berlin. Co-initiator of Good Work, Praticable and the working space Wiesenburg-Halle. Isabelle Schad studied classical dance in Stuttgart and worked with many choreographers until she started developing her own projects from 1999 on. Her research focuses on the body and its materiality, the body as process, place and space, the relationship between body, choreography, (re)presentation, form and experience, body practice as site for learning processes, community and political involvement. Her projects work at the interface of dance, performance and visual arts being featured internationally (world wide collaborations with local Goethe Institutes, international festivals, German Dance Platforms etc). She co-founded several projects/open collectives (Good Work, Praticable), that search for ways of linking different practices and researches whilst questioning the modes of production. She teaches all over the world and in different formats. She is co-organizer of the working space „Wiesenburg-Halle“ in Berlin, Zen Shiatsu Practitioner and practices Aikido on a daily basis.

Isabelle Schad:



Koncept i koreografija: Isabelle Schad

U suradnji sa plesačima: Przemek Kaminski, Nir Vidan

Dramaturška podrška: Saša Božić

Zvuk: Damir Šimunović

Svjetlo: Bruno Pocheron

Kostimi: Charlotte Pistorius

Slika: Thomas Henriksson


Producent: Heiko Schramm

Producent za de facto: Andrea Remetin

Produkcija: Isabelle Schad

Koprodukcija: HAU Hebbel am Ufer, de facto Zagreb

Fotografije: Isabelle Schad


Projekt je financiran uz potporu Gradskog ureda za kulturu, obrazovanje i sport Grada Zagreba, Ministarstva kulture RH, Grada Berlina– Senat Berlina– Ured za kulturu i NATIONALES PERFORMANCE NETZ (NPN): Koprodukcijski fond za ples potpomognut sredstvima Federalnog povjerenstva za kulturu i medije, temeljem odluke njemačkog German Bundestaga i Wiesen55 e.V.


Posebne zahvale: Volker Hüdepohl, Maia Svartaker i Uferstudios Berlin


S «Dvostrukim portretom» Isabelle Schad nastavlja seriju radova čija je namjera kreirati precizne osobne portrete kroz specifičan pristup fizikalitetu plesača, modelirajući ritam i energiju u koreografsko iskustvo..

«Dvostruki portret» – odnosno portret za Przemyslawa Kaminskog i Nir Vidana – želi oblikovati solo za dvije osobe: njihova tijela, pokrete i subjektivne ritmove. Tijelo pronalazi svoj produžetak u drugom tijelu. U promjenjivim međuovisnostima kreira se prostor dijeljenja, koji definira sebe i drugoga, intimnost i brigu, sudarajuće sile i nasilje, tako stvarajući mrežu poveznica. Rad se poigrava nekim aspektima slika Francesa Bacona, kompleksnošću njihovog vizualnog ritma, njihovim intenzitetom i neposrednošću. Dvostruki portret postavlja pitanja o nasilju i senzualnosti, ulozi temporalnosti, odnosu prema sebi, koje se proširuje na drugoga i u svijet.


“Prizori se uvijek nalaze negdje, hibridni su i nikada se ne mogu jasno definirati. Čim neki prizor počinje progovarati o nečemu što svatko u publici može prepoznati, ja ga želim promijeniti. Ili ga odbaciti.” (Isabelle Schad, isječak iz intervjua s Wolfgangom Hornom, Theater: Ein Fest! Tanzplattform 2016.)


Isabelle Schad

Njemačka koreografkinja i izvođačica. Živi u Berlinu. Jedna je od pokretačica Good Work, Praticable i radnog prostora Wiesenburg-Halle. Isabelle Schad  studirala je klasični ples u Stuttgartu te surađivala s brojnim koreografima dok nije započela razvijati samostalne projekte od 1999. nadalje. Njezino istraživanje se bavi tijelom i njegovom materijalnošću, tijelom kao procesom, prostorom i mjestom, odnosima tijela, koreografije (re)prezentacije, oblika i iskustva, tjelesnom praksom kao mjestom učenja, zajednicom i političkim angažmanom. Njezini projekti djeluju na granici plesa, performansa i vizualne umjetnosti, a prikazuju se globalno (međunarodna suradnja u cijelom svijetu s lokalnim Goethe Institutima, međunarodnim festivalima, njemačkim plesnim platformama i sl.). Isabelle Schad je suosnivačica nekoliko projekata/otvorenih kolektiva (Good Work, Praticable) koji pronalaze načine povezivanja raznih praksi i istraživanja, istovremeno preispitujući načine produkcije. Schad podučava u cijelom svijetu u raznim formatima. Suorganizatorica je radnog prostora „Wiesenburg-Halle“ u Berlinu, a svakodnevno prakticira Zen Shiatsu i Aikido.



Funded by Berlin Senate Department for Culture and Europe

Supported by the NATIONALES PERFORMANCE NETZ (NPN) Coproduction Fund for Dance, which is funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media.

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